York’s Conservative led Executive has announced an amendment to its 2016/17 budget which increases investment in transport, bins and local ward committee projects. Extra money will also be set aside to help with the flood recovery and remodel early-intervention services for children and young people.
Earlier this month, the Government announced that York will receive £781,000 in transitional funding following the original finance settlement announced last December. The Executive is therefore moving an amendment to its Budget on Thursday to allocate this money. The amendment also takes account of feedback to the original proposals announced at the beginning of February.
The investment will cover:
· £35,000 to fund new dog and litter bins across the city
· £45,000 for Design and Conservation
· £300,000 to support changes in Prevention and Early Intervention Services for children and young people
· £50,000 to support the remodelling of bus subsidies.
· £150,000 for ‘Pride in York’ (part of Ward Committee funding) to support environmental projects, grounds maintenance and voluntary groups.
· £26,000 to ensure that substance misuse advice can continue to be offered at York Carers Centre.
· £20,000 to support greater capacity in planning enforcement.
· £30,000 to support sustainable transport projects.
· £125k in contingency to plan for further flood and drainage costs
Cllr Chris Steward, Conservative Leader of City of York Council, commented:
It is very welcome that we have received nearly £800,000 of additional funding from the government. There are still tough choices but this funding means we can put more money into frontline services including new money for bins and also further investment in early intervention. We have also been able to reverse the planned reductions in conservation and for York Carers after listening to feedback from residents’.