The CYC Conservative Group has welcomed the £781k of extra funding the Government will be sending to York following consultation on its draft settlement with local authorities.
An extra £150 million will now be allocated to councils nationwide and the amount going to York represents a ‘transitional grant’ to assist councils experiencing large decreases in their grant funding.
Conservative Group Leader Chris Steward said “This is money which we did not expect and clearly it is very welcome. The Government has listened to what councils have had to say regarding the very difficult exercise of balancing the grant money to be allocated to rural and better off authorities like York, with the money going to large urban authorities with greater depravation. There are no easy answers when money is very tight, and once over the next few years local authority funding has transitioned towards the retention of local business rates York ought to be in a strong financial position, however currently our finances are under pressure and these additional funds will help.
“As we were not expecting it we have not yet determined what this money will be used for, but an announcement will be made in due course following discussions with officers and the Executive.”