Cllr. Stuart Rawlings, Conservative spokesperson for schools and young people, has welcomed this week’s announcement that the government will be providing an additional £1.3 billion for schools funding over two years- helping to create more good school places York.
Education Secretary Justine Greening announced the boost to the core schools budget, which will deliver the biggest improvement to the school funding system for over a decade.
This additional funding to the new fairer schools funding formula will mean an increase in the basic amount that every pupil will receive, protected funding for those with high needs and will ensure that York is in a position to give schools a cash increase through the new formula.
Cllr. Rawlings said
“This is very good news for York. We are an authority with an enviable number of excellent schools and we have kept a close eye on the development of the new funding formula to ensure we were not in any way overlooked as a result of our high standards and good exam results. This extra money demonstrates the government is listening to local councils’ concerns regarding discrepancies in the formula and is committed to a fairer way of frontline school funding .
“This announcement sends a clear message that Conservatives are committed to raising standards and giving every child the best possible education and the best possible opportunities for the future.”