The council is asking for resident’s views on plans to improve Fossgate, which is set for a new £500,000 investment.
Earlier this year, the council changed the direction of traffic along Fossgate, significantly reducing the amount of through-traffic along the street. Now the council would like to hear views on how to continue to enhance and attract more visitors to the street, home to many of York’s quirky independent shops.
Council is engaging businesses, residents and the wider city to refine and help focus their plans which include:
- Relaying the road surface and repaving the Yorkstone paths, replacing any tired or broken parts
- Creating more attractive junctions at both ends of Fossgate, and widening the narrow footpaths at the Pavement end
- Introducing new wider ‘built-out’ sections and street furniture like bike stands, benches and possibly trees
- Introducing new ‘speed tables’ and crossing points
Councillor Peter Dew, executive member for transport and planning, said:
“Fossgate is a real gem in the heart of York, with its variety of largely independent shops, cafes, restaurants and pubs proving popular with residents and tourists alike.
“We’re working with traders and residents to make Fossgate even better; giving the street a badly-needed makeover while making it a more accessible place for even more people to enjoy.
“Central to the plans are making it more pedestrian friendly, and improving connections to the existing city centre and well as future developments.
“I hope everyone who knows it well will give us their views, and that some of you who have never visited will be intrigued enough to see what all the fuss is about.”
You can view the proposals and have your say online at, in the foyer of West Offices, Station Rise, YO1 6GA, or at a drop-in session from 1pm-5pm Ambiente Tapas Bar, Fossgate on Monday 24 September and Wednesday 3 October.