City of York Council is asking for opinions on recent traffic flow reductions on a busy pedestrian area in the city centre.
Last September Fossgate was made a pedestrian priority zone and the council reversed the flow of traffic on an experimental basis.
This reversal aimed to reduce the number of vehicles in this busy pedestrian area, which is especially important since much of the traffic prior to these changes was breaking traffic regulations.
On 17th March the council’s executive member for transport can decide whether to make this experiment permanent after considering any objections.
Cllr Ian Gillies, executive member for transport and planning, said: “Fossgate is going from strength to strength. We made these changes after talking to residents and businesses about how to make it even more appealing.
“The main aim was to reduce the amount of traffic, which seems to have worked. Now we’re asking residents and businesses if the changes have helped to enhance what is one of our best-loved streets.”
If you have an opinion on these changes which you would like the executive member to consider, contact [email protected] before 4:00pm on March 17 with your name, contact details and details of your objection or reasons for support.
If the decision is taken to make these changes permanent, the council will of course work with the local community to develop designs for the layout and signage in the area for delivery later in the financial year.