City of York Council's Conservative-led administration is working with Better Homes Yorkshire to help residents trapped in fuel poverty by installing 19 gas central heating systems in York homes thanks to the Government’s Central Heating Fund.
York is one of nine local authorities and other regional bodies to take advantage of the programme, which begins by identifying residents on low incomes living in energy inefficient homes. The council then assesses the resident’s eligibility for the scheme and then a technical overview of the property is carried out by Better Homes. Once the surveys are complete the properties are upgraded- often connecting the residence to mains gas for the first time. With the house connected Better Homes then arranges for the installation of a full gas central heating and hot water system, complete with up to date smart meters.
Therefore, rather than relying on expensive and energy-wasting immersion boilers or electric heaters, these upgraded properties are now heated efficiently, conveniently and affordably thanks to timers, room and hot water thermostats and thermostatic radiator valves. Residents, particularly the elderly or those with children, keep warmer and healthier in winter, and heating bills can be controlled and kept affordable as the smart meter displays the actual cost of gas used.
One home has already halved its estimated heating costs from the project.
Cllr. David Carr, the Leader of City of York Council and Executive Member for Housing and Safer Neighbourhoods said: “This is exactly the kind of life-changing outcome that we’d hoped for from the Central Heating Fund. We’ve managed to install more heating systems that we initially funded for and they’re improving people’s quality of life.”