In response to the Conservative led budget Labour’s Finance spokesman Cllr Neil Barnes has said the new administration took over from Labour’s ‘Sensible management’.
The Labour year highlights included:
Turning down nearly £2,000,000 of government grants by not freezing council tax
£1,000,000 + cost of botched Lendal Bridge trial
£800,000 spent on blanket 20mph zones rather than a targeted approach
£300,000 lost on the aborted Elderly People’s Homes Project
Vast budget overruns on the Community Stadium
£200,000 lost on the Grand Departy
Appointing numerous consultants on over £100,000 per year and one on £840 per day
Responding, Cllr John Galvin said ‘If this is Labour being sensible, we should be thankful they weren’t reckless. I believe our budget achieves the right balance of value for money and looking after frontline services and the most vulnerable. It offers a positive vision after the previous years of waste’.