It’s a ‘#crime not to care’ is the council’s new anti-fly tipping initiative launched with local leaders of Keep Britain Tidy, to remind both residents and businesses that waste is their responsibility and must be disposed of legally.
In 2016/17 the council dealt with 1,518 incidents of fly tipping at a cost of £65,087, not taking into account possible environmental damage, harm to wildlife and the overall denigration of the surrounding area caused by inconsiderate and illegal fly tipping.
To make sure waste is legally disposed of, residents should ask the carrier removing their waste for their name and address. You can check their license at or by ringing the Environment agency on 0378 506 506.
If they’re on the database they can be used, if not please report them to [email protected] for investigation.
A waste carrier’s license is valid for three years, costs £154 and can be applied for online at
The campaign is also reminding residents of other ways to safely and legally dispose of waste which can’t be taken alongside kerbside collections. They include arranging for the collection of bulky items by the council by ringing 01914 551551 (a small fee is charged but up to 10 items can be taken), taking items to household waste recycling centres at Hazel Court or Towthorpe or bringing items to recycling banks around the city- call 01904 551551 to find out where they’re located.
Cllr. Helen Douglas, executive member for housing and safer neighbourhoods said:
“We take fly tipping very seriously- it damages the environment, looks terrible and ultimately it’s the council taxes of law-abiding residents that are used to pay to clean up the actions of a selfish few. It is indeed a #crime not to care where your rubbish goes.”