York Conservative Group Leader Paul Doughty has slammed the Lib Dem-led Council administration in York for it’s apparent huge error with the published and mail postage paid ‘2021 Waste and Recycling Calendar’.
Councillor Doughty said, my first reaction when the addressed mail dropped on my doormat was:
“This must cost the York taxpayer a fortune to send to every home in the city. Why isn’t it simply sent with the annual Council tax bill pack every year to save on postage costs? No, that would be too simple when they have money to burn, our money to burn - they take the term ‘Waste’ way too literally! I emailed the Council to ask the cost of delivery and await response.
It does not stop there though! Imagine my surprise when I opened it and discovered that data was missing from every month of the year and that even the data that was printed was incorrect meaning they were advertising garden waste delivery during the winter months when they never collect at all! Now they’ll have to correct it all and post it out again, at double the expense. This from the Lib-Dem Council administration who claim they don’t want local government change here in York to improve efficiency. No wonder they don’t want closer scrutiny of their incompetent financial operations!”