The York Conservative Group have welcomed the abandonment of the failed Bishopthorpe Road restrictions which they campaigned and petitioned against when introduced by the LibDem-led Council in May. The Council has finally announced the unpopular restrictions which will be withdrawn on 4th August.
Conservative Group Leader Paul Doughty said, “This was cynically used by the LibDem/Green Coalition to restrict motorists - business, residents and visitors getting about. We warned that it was causing lengthy diversions down Nunnery Lane and Blossom Street and would have a negative effect on business, causing even more congestion on city roads for residents. This has proved to be the case but it wasn’t rocket science to predict this. Just what were they thinking?
Paul continued,” It might be the gasworks that are needed near the Blossom Street and Nunnery Lane junction, rather than a lack of suitable Council meetings in public to avoid scrutiny which gives the LibDems and Greens the excuse they need to abandon their plans. Nevertheless, this tardy response from the administration is welcomed. Now they must revisit their impending Groves closure plans for traffic misery in around the Groves, Monkgate, Lord Mayors Walk and the hospital, together with the need to ditch the crazy plan to shut Leeman Road (Marble Arch) to traffic one-way at any one time.”