Strensall ward Conservative Councillor, Cllr Paul Doughty who Chair’s the City’s Health Scrutiny Committee has welcomed new investment announced by the Conservative Government this week into Hospice care and mental health for young people.
Cllr. Doughty said, “On Tuesday, Boris Johnson spoke about the importance of mental health support and that we need to be less afraid of speaking about mental health. He made this announcement as the Government granted funding to expand 23 local projects to help prevent mental illness in children and young people. I am particularly pleased that this includes £50,000 of funding allocated to local mental health charity York Mind to help expand their programme for young people in the York area.
Cllr. Doughty added, “This comes on top of the Prime Minister’s announcement this week of an additional £25 million pounds investment going in to support our charitable hospices. This is a welcome and overdue investment into services many of us would think are already fully funded by the NHS. If the NHS is to deliver its objective of cradle to grave healthcare this initial round of funding will be an important stepping stone to a long term, sustainable future for the palliative and end of life care that is valued by so many residents across York.”
“As Chair of the Health Scrutiny Committee I will be urging a speedy response from the Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group on how the funds are to be allocated and the difference it can make to individuals and families across the city.”