Conservatives criticise Labour and Lib Dem Ring Road Failures Friday, 17 January, 2025 York’s Conservative councillors have criticised the ongoing failure of the current Labour and previous Lib Dem administration’s to dual the ring road. Last year planning permission was given to dual 4.6 miles of the A1237 and improve roundabouts but it now looks likely that Labour will remove funding for part of the ring road and divert £5 million towards the Station Gateway. Cllr Martin Rowley... Local News
Public Consultation on York Central Begins 15th January 2016 Public consultation on the proposed development of York’s 72ha York Central site begins on Monday for a four week period, from Monday 18 January – Monday 15... Local News
Local MP welcomes £10 million funding for Foss Barrier upgrade 3rd January 2016 York Outer MP Julian Sturdy has welcomed the Prime Minister’s announcement that York is to receive £10 million of new funding to improve flood defences in the... Local News
Wash your hands, cover your face, make space: the next steps in our plan for lockdown measures 31st July 2020 Wash your hands, cover your face, make space. These are the next steps in our plan for lockdown measures. National News
Wash your hands, cover your face, make space: the next steps in our plan for lockdown measures 31st July 2020 National News
Police Forces Bolstered Across England and Wales 30th July 2020 We have announced that over 4,300 police officers have joined the police since we launched our major recruitment drive in September 2019. National News
One Year On: Delivering on the people's priorities 24th July 2020 A year ago today the Prime Minister stood on the steps of 10 Downing Street for the first time, and set out his vision for how we would unite and level up... National News
A pay rise for public sector workers 21st July 2020 We’ve announced that almost 900,000 public sector workers, including doctors, teachers and police officers, will see above-inflation pay rises. National News
Meet our new MPs: Jo Gideon, Stoke-on-Trent Central 16th July 2020 Our new MPs represent the future of our Party. Read here to meet Jo Gideon, our new MP for Stoke-on-Trent Central. National News