Conservatives criticise Labour and Lib Dem Ring Road Failures Friday, 17 January, 2025 York’s Conservative councillors have criticised the ongoing failure of the current Labour and previous Lib Dem administration’s to dual the ring road. Last year planning permission was given to dual 4.6 miles of the A1237 and improve roundabouts but it now looks likely that Labour will remove funding for part of the ring road and divert £5 million towards the Station Gateway. Cllr Martin Rowley... Local News
Public Consultation on York Central Begins 15th January 2016 Public consultation on the proposed development of York’s 72ha York Central site begins on Monday for a four week period, from Monday 18 January – Monday 15... Local News
Local MP welcomes £10 million funding for Foss Barrier upgrade 3rd January 2016 York Outer MP Julian Sturdy has welcomed the Prime Minister’s announcement that York is to receive £10 million of new funding to improve flood defences in the... Local News
Get Britain out of neutral: Conservatives launch new billboard 6th December 2019 The Conservative Party launched a new billboard today, Get Britain out of neutral. The poster was launched at sites in London, Manchester, Sheffield, Birmingham... National News
Revealed: Labour’s plan to let criminals avoid prison 5th December 2019 Labour’s policy to scrap prison sentences of under six months would lead to a surge of offenders on our streets, risking public safety. National News
The first 100 days of a Conservative majority government and the choice before the British people 4th December 2019 Our Conservative plan for getting Brexit done so that we can unleash Britain's potential is in stark contrast to the gridlock, dither, delay and uncertainty of... National News
Exposed: Labour plot with RMT behind rail strike chaos 3rd December 2019 Rail union leaders and the Labour Party have boasted that they are "working together" to "bring down" the government at this month's election through a campaign... National News
Brexit is a once in a generation opportunity to strengthen our border security 1st December 2019 Brexit provides a once in a generation opportunity to strengthen the security of the UK border. National News
Boris Johnson sets out the details of the Khan case 1st December 2019 The terrible Khan case has highlighted a complicated area of law. There have been many inaccuracies reported about this case over the last 24 hours. Here are... National News