York’s Conservative Council Group has welcomed the Government’s announcement over the weekend which could expedite the development of York Central through a closer collaboration between the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) and Network Rail, and by making Ministerial support for York a priority.
The land in the brownfield teardrop site stretching from Clifton Bridge to York Station, is predominantly owned by Network Rail, SMG and City of York Council, and this announcement from the Department of Communities and Local Government will facilitate an acceleration of existing partnership working.
The York Central plans announced in December 2015 and consulted on early this year, could provide up to 100,000 sq m of high-quality office space, create up to 7,000 new jobs, a new residential community of up to 2,500 new homes, with opportunities to expand and enhance the National Railway Museum, make improvements to the railway station and create a vibrant public space with routes linking to surrounding neighbourhoods.
Councillor Chris Steward, Leader of City of York Council, said: “We welcome this agreement between Network Rail and the HCA to progress our work on York Central with our other key partner the National Railway Museum. Regenerating York Central is a vitally important, imaginative and ambitious use of a major public, yet underused, asset. Our partners recognise this new partnership arrangement and, with Ministerial support, will help progress our plans.