Proposals are under development for the need of school places in the Micklegate area through plans to extend Scarcroft Primary School.
On 17 March the Executive will be advised to delay final approval of the scheme until their April meeting in order to allow further discussions with the school’s governing body.
When the option of extending Scarcroft Primary School using the Milthorpe School site was first presented in their February meeting, the Executive initiated a further period of options appraisal and informal consultation with the local and school communities in the Southbank cluster.
Ward councillors have also held local information sessions.
Options considered during consultation were: providing no additional places in the Micklegate area, feasibility studies to accommodate more pupils in the existing primary school, a city-wide Creative Arts Academy; using the Milthorpe school site to accommodate 210 additional places.
Site options considered and rejected: former Terry’s Car Park site, land behind The Grove and The Square off Tadcaster Road, Bishopthorpe infant school site, Archbishop of York CE junior school site, Little Knavesmire, allotments neighbouring Milthorpe School, Nunnery Lane car park; the former Askham Bar Park&Ride site.
Cllr. Jenny Brooks, Conservative Executive Member for Education, Children and Young People, said: “I’m delighted that so many people are engaging with the consultation and contributing ideas. With so many on the table, it is crucial that we consider and analyse them in depth. This is an important decision for the local area, the city and council and it is important for the sake of the future generations of pupils that we get it right.”