York’s Conservative-led Executive will use £26k from the extra £781k that York will receive as extra transitional funding from the Government to protect a Substance Misuse Carer Support Worker at York Carers on Priory Street.
The role provides support, advocacy and advice for those caring for relatives with drug or alcohol addiction through one to one, group and drop in counselling and information services, and York Carers Centre had raised concerns about cuts to this service at the budget-setting meeting of the Executive.
Cllr. Paul Doughty, Conservative spokesperson for Health and Adult Social Care said “We’ve listened to residents’ concerns and we have tried to use the extra Government money where it can be the most constructive. Whilst health services rightly concentrate on the individuals themselves who are dealing with alcohol or drug addiction, this advice service helps their families cope and approaches addiction problems from a perspective which acknowledges the very great problems it can cause for entire families. I am very pleased that we as a council can continue to support this service.”
Carole Zagrovic from the York Carers Centre commented “We are delighted to be able to maintain the much needed and valued support for those carers who are affected by a relatives’ substance misuse problem. Addiction can destroy families and relationships leading to long-term interventions from a range of health and social care providers. It makes sense that carers have access to guidance and advice to help them cope with the challenges that addiction brings and to maintain effective support to a family member or friend through their treatment and recovery.”