The budget from the Conservative led Executive will see £350,000 of additional funding to ensure a Local Plan is delivered in the year ahead. There will also be a further £5,000 of funding to support work on the Local List which is about registering buildings of important significant to the local area.
In a further new funding stream the council will allocate £3,000 to support areas which are currently working on Neighbourhood Plans for their areas or those which choose to start doing so’.
Council leader Chris Steward said, "Whilst we criticised the previous Local Plan as having too much development on Greenfield land we have been absolutely clear of the need for a plan and are working with officers to ensure it happens, this necessitates further funding to ensure it happens.
"We want to involve local residents in shaping their areas wherever possible and as part of this the allocation of money to Neighbourhood Plans will give a much needed boost to encourage this and provide financial support."