City of York Council’s Conservative Group has put forward a motion for this week’s council meeting
responding to proposals from North Yorkshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner to merge York and
North Yorkshire’s fire and rescue services under her authority, calling for clarification of all of the
proposed schemes and warning that the administration will only accept plans which are ‘fit for York’.
Cllr. David Carr, Leader of the Council, who is proposing the motion, said “We understand that in
addition to the proposals from the PCC, the NY Fire and Rescue Service has put forth alternative
plans for increasing efficiencies which do not involve merging with the police. Whilst the
Conservative Group fully supports both the police and fire services becoming more efficient and
adopting more integrated working practices where appropriate, we do not want efficiency alone to
become the overriding rationale for any merger, but the safety and welfare of the residents of York
and North Yorkshire.
“ It is our understanding that the Government supports local solutions for seeking efficiencies within
the fire and police services rather than a ‘one size fits all’ solution. Therefore, we are seeking the
weight of full council behind us to ask for clarification and detail from all of the parties involved in
these various ongoing negotiations, to ensure that political wrangling does not overshadow public
safety, and to satisfy ourselves that the alleged operational benefits of the proposals are based on
creditable economic and management principles.
“ We believe it is time for York to satisfy itself regarding the safety and efficacy of any of the potential
ways forward.”