Strensall ward Conservative Councillor Paul Doughty is giving his full support to a call from local residents to lower the current (third of a mile) 60mph national speed limit section of Strensall Road between Earswick towards the crossroads at Towthorpe Lane on the edge of Strensall. This is being backed up by a petition from villagers which will be presented by Councillor Doughty at the meeting of Full Council next Thursday (December 15th).
It is likely that the petition and proposals will then be referred to Committee and for Officers to be asked to consult with statutory organisations including the Police and Highways and to report findings back. *(Principal reasons for the proposal at foot of release).
Councillor Doughty explained, “At a recent meeting in Earswick, some directly affected residents who find it difficult to safely merge from their driveways asked if I could try and influence a speed reduction along this busy and dangerous road which has more residential properties than you might imagine. It was suggested a 40mph limit was more appropriate to replace the current 60mph section which commences near the car showroom at Towthorpe and runs to the existing 30mph signs at Earswick village itself.”
“It is felt very strongly that this would help make it safer for all road users. The petition will start a process and we’re hoping Officers and statutory consultees will agree with the local community. While knocking on doors, I have been pleased but not surprised to find that everyone I have spoken with so far has given the proposal the thumbs up and would like to thank local residents, Earswick Parish Council members and Strensall with Towthorpe Parish Council for their help and support.”
*The principal reasons for the speed petition proposal are :-
1. The current 60mph section gives a false sense of security about the potential hazards on this road. In reality, it also means many vehicles continue to travel well in excess as the limit reaches the 30mph zone at Earswick village and 40mph towards Towthorpe crossroads at Strensall.
2. It is difficult and dangerous for those living adjacent to get out of driveways with residential properties for a long stretch down one side in particular. There are also visitors using guest houses, a small camping, as wells as farm vehicles which need to emerge.
3. Crossing the road is difficult for pedestrians and those using the local bus services with 60mph allowing for little margin for long periods.
4. There is no safe cycle path and cyclists including schoolchildren heading to/from secondary school in Huntington are forced to share the ‘fast’ section. A reduction to 40mph will be to the benefit of safety for all road users.