A planning application for much-needed affordable homes and accommodation for older people at Lowfield Green has been submitted for approval.
The plans include accommodation for over 55’s including flats and bungalows, family housing, York’s first self-build housing plots to be offered by the council, land for community-led housing group YorSpace, a health hub and nearly two acres of public open space.
An outline application has been made for the whole site including 140 homes, green space, access and associated roads and landscaping plus a care home, six self-build homes and up to 19 community build plots as well as a health and public service building.
Alongside it, a detailed application for the homes has been made. It proposes a purpose-built 70-bed care home. It will offer much-needed residential, nursing and dementia care as part of the city’s plans to deliver 900 new care beds and flats over the coming three years.
Additional accommodation for over 55’s is also proposed with 18 one and two-bedroomed apartments and 26 two-bedroomed bungalows, all wheelchair-accessible.
In addition, 96 two, three and four-bedroomed houses are proposed with families in mind.
Councillor Sam Lisle, executive member for housing and safer neighbourhoods, said: “We need new homes in York and, after being unused for ten years, this site gives us the chance to develop a good quality, mixed tenure community: the largest by City of York Council since 1988.
“Further to extensive consultation already, we’ve written to neighbours and stakeholders to let them know that the application has been submitted and to invite them to view and comment on it.”
The plans will be considered early in the new year by the planning committee, and have been submitted following senior councillor’s approval of the initial plan in December 2016.