The Conservative led City of York Council Executive will soon consider a £20 million fund to build social housing as well as undertaking an £80 million repair and modernisation plan. The five-year plan is part of a broader 30-year business plan to extend and improve existing council housing for current and future generations of tenants.
To increase the availability of affordable housing a new £20 million investment fund is being planned. This fund would secure new homes in a variety of ways, which would include securing first refusal to buy former council homes when they are sold on the open market. In addition to building 54 new council houses and flats since 2015 and with a further 27 due by the end of 2017, a number of other sites for new affordable homes are being progressed.
Over the next five years money will be invested in repairing and improving the council’s existing homes and will also be invested in their ongoing maintenance and improvement.
Last year, the service modernised 132 homes with updated kitchens, bathrooms and central heating and this year, 160 modernisations are planned. In addition, this year, work will include reroofing 32 apartment blocks; repainting 1,131 homes externally; replacing 650 boilers and heating systems with more efficient systems; testing and upgrading electrics in 691 homes and installing or upgrading door entry systems to 56 entrances. As part of the standing water programme, damp damage will be repaired in 80 homes.
Councillor Sam Lisle, Executive Member for Housing and Safer Neighbourhoods, said: “I am delighted these plans have come forward. This announcement, alongside the strategic partnership with the HCA and proposed housing delivery company, could provide a step-change in affordable house building in York. These proposals also support our wider ambition to influence the housing market while generating rental income to support the HRA which, in turn, funds new affordable housing and repairs.”