Like many others, I was delighted to hear Theresa May announce that the Conservative Government was investing significant new money into the NHS. Despite the usual negativity from the opposition, this is much more than Labour had pledged in their manifesto and will boost funding by £394 million more per week, £20.5 Billion a year extra in real terms by 2023/24.
The work does not end with the funding announcement though. We know there is still considerable work to do on the way the NHS is organised, ensuring the investment is used efficiently, making sure it has the workforce it needs and that the services it delivers are safe, effective and readily accessible. As Chair of Health Scrutiny I will be working with my colleagues on the committee to watch carefully where this new money is invested and use every opportunity we have to make sure our fair share makes a real difference to residents across the whole city.
Councillor Paul Doughty, Conservative, Strensall ward
Chair, Health and Adult Social Care Policy & Scrutiny Committee, City of York Council