Leeds City Region has made the shortlist for the location of the new headquarters for Channel 4.
It joins Greater Manchester and Birmingham as the three finalists left in the mix following the London-based broadcaster’s decision to move to a regional location. Contenders which didn’t make the shortlist include Liverpool, Cardiff, Glasgow and Bristol.
York Council Leader Ian Gilles attended a meeting with the Directors of Channel 4 prior to shortlisting, and said that it had helped that representatives from York could talk about the city and the work taking place between Channel 4 and the University and Screen Yorkshire, noting that York’s connection with some within the Channel 4 team had also helped to put Leeds City Region in a strong position.
In response to making the shortlist Cllr Gillies said; “It’s great news for York. Make no mistake, if we succeed York will reap tremendous benefits, including access to a number of well paying jobs for our young creative sector, which is strong in York and in my opinion one of the reasons our region did so well.”
A joint statement from Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe, Chair of West Yorkshire Combined Authority and Leader of Bradford Council, Cllr Judith Blake, Leader of Leeds City Council and Cllr Ian Gillies, Leader of City of York, said:
“It is fantastic news that the City Region is progressing to the next stage as we seek to be the home of Channel 4’s new national headquarters. Together we have presented a strong case to Channel 4 and will continue to work hard in the weeks ahead to secure this once-in-a-generation opportunity.
“Hosting Channel 4’s national headquarters would create fantastic opportunities, particularly for our young diverse and digital native population. In choosing our region, Channel 4 would gain access to new talent and voices, and help rebalance the creative sector in the UK.
“We would like to say thank you everyone who lives and works in the City Region who has already got behind the campaign and ask them to continue to show their support on social media using the hashtag #4Sparks”