York’s Conservative-led council is on track to deliver over 900 extra new units of accommodation with care for older people by 2020 and will see over £100m of new investment to deliver it.
A paper going to the 27 September meeting of the Executive reports that the projected 964 new units represent a significant increase on the 533 which were originally planned, reflecting a growing need for more and appropriate accommodation with care for older people, which the administration has prioritised as part of their focus on front line services.
The programme is on track for 2020, which will result in 561 residential and nursing care beds and 403 extra care scheme homes. Of these 242 are already occupied and in use and 215 are currently under construction.
Cllr Helen Douglas, executive member for housing and safer neighbourhoods, said: “These 900 units of accommodation are very welcome additions to the city’s stock. Looking ahead to October, construction will begin on the 33 home extension to the Marjorie Waite Court Extra Care scheme and on the 80 bed Burnholme Care Home. In November, ground work will start on the 64 bed Fordlands Care home and in the new year, Lincoln Court’s transformation will begin and the preferred partner to deliver the new care home on Lowfield Green will be appointed.
“In addition to a better quality of life for our older residents, by investing in new units and updating our existing stock we’ve saved over £500,000 annually, which can be invested elsewhere in our care system.”
The next phase of the Older Persons’ Accommodation Programme will be submitted to executive in November. It will outline how to help sustain independent living in old age, promoting health and wellbeing, allowing easy movement from hospital bed via transitional care (if needed) back to self-reliance and ensuring that the full range of accommodation choices are of the highest quality.
Executive takes place on Thursday 27 September from 5.30pm and is open to members of the public or is available to watch live online from: www.york.gov.uk/webcasts