Julian Sturdy, the Member of Parliament for York Outer, has welcomed the decision by the Planning Committee to refuse the application on the land south of Moor Lane which included up to 516 properties.
Mr Sturdy wrote to all residents on Moor Lane last December to make clear his strong objections to this resubmitted application on a Greenbelt site and to actively encourage residents to submit their own comments on the proposal.
Mr Sturdy has also met with the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust (YWT) on multiple occasions to offer his full support to their #SaveAskhamBog campaign and to discuss the wide-ranging environmental impact this development could have on the iconic nature reserve if it were to go ahead.
On top of this, it would undoubtedly put a great strain on the existing amenities in the area, such as the local transport network and the number of school places available.
On hearing the news, Julian Sturdy said: “I am absolutely delighted that the Planning Committee have voted to refuse this controversial development from going ahead.
The overwhelming response from local people has been astounding with nearly 8000 objections submitted in total and it is great that their views have been properly heard. I must commend the fantastic work done by the whole community in so tirelessly and effectively opposing the development.
I will be keeping a close eye on this application in case of any appeal and will continue doing everything I can to ensure this exceptional site for wildlife is protected from inappropriate development on the Greenbelt “.